Add products by adding codes

Add a CSV file
Enter the product codes that you want to add to the basket in bulk (after a comma, with a space or from a new line). Repeating the code many times will add this item as many times as it appears.

Available discounts

Threshold discount
Calculated from the value of products in a basket. Discount sums up with other discounts.*
Orders beyond
Discount value
1 000,00 PLN (~230 €)
2.50 %
2 000,00 PLN (~470 €)
5 %
4 000,00 PLN (~920 €)
10 %
8 000,00 PLN (~1850 €)
15 %
16 000,00 PLN (~3650 €)
20 %
36 000,00 PLN (~8200 €)
25 %

The discount is not applied to ten-packs of yerba mate.
