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6400 x White Sage - Frankincense 15-20 g (torch)
- White sage is a plant with extraordinary magical properties. It helps to cleanse the space, dismiss toxic energy and relax after a hard day.
White sage (Salvia apiana) is a plant that is native to the south-west of the United States. Its leaves have a distinctive silvery-white colour. Because of the intense aroma it emits, white sage was spotted hundreds of years ago by Native Americans and held in special veneration. It is the sacred herb of the Navajo Indians, who used dried sage leaves as incense during ceremonies and rituals. They would use the smouldering smoke from the lit leaves to incense the ceremony site, believing that it helped protect against evil entities, ward off spells and charms and heal the body, mind and soul. Indeed, the aromatic, fragrant smoke rising from the burning sage leaves, scented with herbs, sweet vanilla and spices, has a magical effect. It helps to cleanse the space, dismiss toxic energy and relax after a hard day. To use it like incense, simply light a bunch and extinguish the flame when the leaves start to glow.
Additional information:
Country of origin: United States
Weight: approx. 15-20g
Please note: white sage bundles are prepared by hand, so the weight of each product may vary between 15-20g.